Russia’s Own B-2 Stealth Bomber May Be Prepared by 2023 and Into Service by 2025
The new Russian strategic bomber aircraft, called “PAK DA” or “Izdelie 80” (Product 80), developed by the Tupolev company, is expected to make its maiden flight in 2025. PAK DA…
Read moreB-52 Incredible Milestone Development, Specifications and Combat History
In order to get so many new systems tested in a timely manner, Gebara said the B-52 test force will expand from two to eight aircraft: two each to test the radar, engines, new missiles, and other improvements, such as the weapons bay. That way, Gebara …
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TR-3 Black Manta – US Top Secret Project With Alien Technology
Created by technologies of non-human origin, easily beyond the earth’s atmosphere, neutralizing gravity. Even the mere presence of this object is enough to paralyze even the bravest of men. That object is nothing but the TR-3 Black Manta – a Top Secret …
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The world’s largest dinosaur fossil has been discovered in a Jurassic backyard in Portugal.
The skeleton of a ginormous 82-foot (25-meter) long late-Jurassic dinosaur skeleton was found in central Portugal, which was accidentally unearthed in a man’s backyard in the city of Pombal back in 2017. Paleontologists working at the site believe it …
Read moreFootprints on the Wall: Did Dinosaurs Climb the Bolivian Cliffs?
Some ancient rock art shows the deliberate leaving of hand prints by our ancestors leaving a lasting impression of their existence. The surprising prints that are to be found on…
Read more‘Mummified remains of a mysterious beast’ discovered in Yakutia
One theory is that a wolverine is a carnivorous mammal that resembles a small bear. Picture: YSIA The strange ancient creature was found in diamond-yielding sands in Udachny, Mirninsky district…
Read moreThe Strange Acambaro Figurines: Is There Evidence of Dinosaurs Living Among Us?
Most mainstream paleontologists and geologists place dinosaurs on Earth’s timeline at around 220 million and 65 million years ago, during the Mesozoic Era. Homo sapiens, on the other hand, do…
Read moreA perfectly preserved, ‘very uncommon’ dinosaur embryo in egg has been discovered in Canada.
A 72-million-year-old skeleton of a baby dinosaur has been discovered in Ganzhou, southern China. While the age of the fossil is surely impressive, the discovery is even more momentous when…
Read moreWhen a farmer discovers a large “Dinosaur Egg,” he makes an unexpected discovery when he looks inside.
Follow the Farmer’s Journey as he Unveils the Astonishing Truth Behind the Enigmatic Shell! In a quiet place called deep, there was a farmer named Mateo Suarez. You would think…
Read moreAmazing Fossil Discovery: 70 million-year-old dinosaur eggs with embryos preserved
Incredible Fossil Find: Dinosaur Eggs with Embryos Preserved for 70 Million Years ɑrgeոtiոe sᴄieոtists hɑve mɑde ɑ fɑsᴄiոɑtiոg disᴄovery iո the soᴜtherո proviոᴄe of ոeᴜqᴜeո. They hɑve foᴜոd fossilized diոosɑᴜr…
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