American Mother Astonished as Newborn Daughter Bears Striking Likeness to an ‘Old Woman

imageA South African woman has given birth to an infant daughter with the condition known as, which gives offspring to a 20-year-old mother from the Eastern Cape of South Africa eagerly anticipated the birth of her child, but things did not go as planned. The contractions had already begun, but the baby had not yet arrived; consequently, the family decided to give birth at home. Close relatives with extensive experience, such as her grandmother, assisted as best they could, but as soon as the infant was born, women immediately noticed her hands and features.


Instead of taking action, the young mother was transported to the hospital in a borrowed van, where the physicians had already assessed the situation. Due to her special appearance, the newborn girl stood out from other children, and she was immediately surrounded with a lot of attention and care. The unique features of this situation occur with this special case.


Photos of the child went viral on social networks, where many stood with her family, but there were also many who began to discuss her, labeling her as different and unique. ‘If I could, I would put them all in!’


Petros Majola, director of the Khula Community Development Project, a child’s rights advocate, believes that communities must be enlightened about this matter.

“The community must know that the mother did not intend for her child to be this way. In a woman’s womb, there is no statute or trait that gives birth to a child differently. People must accept this child as she is,” says Majola.


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